Cedar Hills Surrey Physiotherapy Clinic

Are you living with nagging pain or a recent injury that’s holding you back? Do you dream of moving freely again, without limitations?

At Synergy Rehab, your trusted Cedar Hills Surrey physiotherapy clinic, we’ll help you reclaim your life and enjoy pain-free movement.

Our team of experienced physiotherapists brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion to each patient. We understand that pain is personal, and every journey towards recovery is unique

About Synergy Rehab

That's why we take the time to:


  1. Listen to your concerns
  2. Assess your individual needs, and
  3. Develop a physiotherapy treatment plan tailored specifically for your condition including:
  • Chronic pain in your back, neck, or joints
  • Difficulty recovering from a sports injury
  • Limited mobility due to surgery or illness
  • Postpartum aches and pains
  • Sciatica or other nerve pain
  • Balance and dizziness issues
  • General aches and pains that hinder your daily activities

Our Cedar Hills Surrey Physiotherapy Services

We offer a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services to address your specific needs. These include:

Manual therapy

Hands-on techniques to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and restore function.

Exercise rehabilitation

Personalized exercise programs to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries.

Sports rehabilitation

Get back to your favorite activities safely and efficiently with our sport-specific programs.

Massage therapy

Deep tissue massage to relax muscles, relieve stress, and promote healing.

Joint mobilizations and manipulations

Gentle movements to improve range of motion and reduce pain.

Acupuncture and dry needling

Traditional and modern techniques to address pain and inflammation.

Education and support

We empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your pain and optimize your recovery.

Synergy Rehab: Your Trusted Cedar Hills Surrey Physiotherapy Clinic

We’re your partner in health and wellness. Our welcoming and supportive environment puts you at ease from the moment you step through the door.

We’re conveniently located in Cedar Hills Surrey, making it easy for North Delta, White Rock, Richmond, and Surrey residents to access our services.

Ready to take control of your pain and get back to doing what you love?

Book your appointment today at Synergy Rehab, your Cedar Hills Surrey physiotherapy clinic. We’ll work with you every step of the way to achieve your physiotherapy and rehabilitation goals.

Why Choose Synergy Rehab?

Here’s what makes Synergy Rehab your go-to choice for physiotherapy in Cedar Hills Surrey:

Our team boasts extensive clinical experience and advanced education, ensuring you receive the highest quality care

We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to your specific needs and goals.

 We stay up-to-date with the latest research and use proven techniques to maximize your recovery potential.

We believe in creating a comfortable and welcoming space where you feel heard and understood.

We’re easily accessible for residents of Cedar Hills Surrey, North Delta, White Rock, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, Burnaby, and Victoria.

Don’t let pain hold you back any longer. Contact Synergy Rehab today and let us help you rediscover the joy of movement!

Book your appointment online or call us for a free consultation. We’re here to support you on your journey to recovery.

Regain Your Active Life with Synergy Rehab: Your Cedar Hills Surrey Physiotherapy Clinic

Living in Cedar Hills Surrey and struggling with a sports injury, back pain, knee pain, or other aches and pains that limit your activities? Welcome to Synergy Rehab, your trusted physiotherapy clinic dedicated to helping you rediscover the joy of movement.

Sports Injury Physiotherapy in Cedar Hills Surrey

Have you pulled a muscle on the field, sprained your ankle on the court, or experienced a more serious sports injury? Our experienced physiotherapists have the expertise to get you back in the game. We offer:

We’ll thoroughly evaluate your injury and identify the underlying cause of your pain.

We’ll create a customized plan tailored to your specific injury and needs, utilizing techniques like: 

    • Manual therapy: Hands-on techniques to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and restore function.
    • Exercise rehabilitation: Personalized exercises to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries.
    • Sports-specific rehab: Get back to your favorite sport safely and efficiently with programs designed for your sport.
    • Pain management strategies: Learn techniques to manage pain and discomfort at home.
Physiotherapy Clinic Surrey

Back Pain Physiotherapy in Cedar Hills Surrey

Chronic back pain can be debilitating, impacting your daily life and overall well-being. At Synergy Rehab, we understand the frustration and limitations back pain can cause.

Our Cedar Hills Surrey physiotherapists offer:

We utilize manual therapy, targeted exercises, and pain management strategies to alleviate your pain and improve your function.

We go beyond just treating the symptoms and address the underlying issues contributing to your back pain, such as muscle imbalances, posture, or joint dysfunction.

We’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools to manage your back pain effectively and prevent future episodes.

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain in Cedar Hills Surrey

Knee pain is a common complaint, affecting people of all ages and activity levels. Whether it’s a sports injury, osteoarthritis, or a simple overuse injury, our physiotherapists can help:

We utilize various techniques like ice therapy, electrical stimulation, and specific exercises to manage your knee pain effectively.

We’ll strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee and improve your range of motion to prevent future injuries and enhance your mobility.

We’ll design a program tailored to your specific needs, helping you regain strength and confidence in your knee.

Choose Synergy Rehab for Your Physiotherapy Needs in Cedar Hills Surrey.

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