Manual therapy performed by a registered massage therapist plays an essential part in reducing pain and increasing mobility during rehabilitative care.
As core members of our medical professional team, Synergy Rehab’s registered massage therapists are committed to restoring pain-free body function and overall wellbeing. We will work one-on-one with you during this therapeutic aspect of your rehabilitation care; beginning with a detailed assessment of your condition. Based on your preferred treatment plan and comfort level, our therapist will then use a series of hands-on techniques to help you feel alot better!
Massage during rehabilitation primarily targets the soft-tissue conditions relating to muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. When administered by one of our pain management experts; massage clinically reduces tension and inflammation, which inturn relieves pain and increases your range of motion. The additional blood flow stimulated by medical massages also helps with overall stress relief and can be effective in pain management for a variety of chronic conditions.
With its wide range of long-term wellbeing benefits, massage can also be introduced as an injury prevention measure that supports a healthy, active lifestyle.
Feel free to connect with us
Our highly skilled professionals specialize in a range of different rehabilitation treatments, including Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic services, and many more. Looking for rehabilitation services in Surrey, Richmond, Burnaby, Abbotsford or New West? We’ve got your back!
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