Why Squats Will Improve Your Overall Fitness

If you’ve done a workout class recently, chances are the instructor got you to do squats. And for good reason! Squats are one of the most important foundational movement patterns when it comes to strength training. By engaging such a wide range of muscles, squats prove to be an excellent exercise for overall strength and […]

Why you should try Plyometrics Workouts

Most of us have fallen into a repetitive workout routine. This makes sense! Once you find something that makes you feel good, why not stick to it? You may be a spin class enthusiast, a runner, a weightlifter, a hiker, or a fan of low-impact exercises like Yoga. While you should definitely stick to what […]

5 Health Benefits of Ocean Swimming

Considering spending the day at the beach this summer but worried about being unproductive? Don’t worry. Just say that your local physiotherapist told you to do it. When it comes to exercise, traditional activities like running, cycling, or weightlifting at the gym often come to mind. However, you shouldn’t overlook the amazing benefits of swimming, […]

10 Best Exercises to Fix Shoulder Pain

If you close your eyes and bring awareness to your shoulders, chances are you’ll feel some light tension, discomfort, or even pain in this area. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 18 to 26 percent of adults experience shoulder pain or tightness. Luckily, our expert physiotherapists have created a list of our top 10 favorite shoulder […]

What is Vestibular Therapy?

Are you experiencing dizziness or balance issues? Vestibular rehabilitation therapy may be the fix for you. Vestibular therapy can help people cope with the symptoms of conditions such as vertigo and labyrinthitis. At Synergy Rehab, our vestibular therapy specialists focus on exercises that involve head movement, which is essential in stimulating and reprogramming the vestibular […]

How to Train for Your Summer Hike

You’re probably thinking, don’t you just train for hiking by going on hikes? You’re correct, however, if you’re just getting into hiking or you aspire to do longer hikes to loftier places, then doing some preseason training can be a huge help. This workout plan, inspired by our friends at REI, is designed to target […]

4 Most Common Summer Sports Injuries

I think we can all agree that the warmth of summer is a welcome relief from the rainy, cold BC winter. It’s no surprise that across the Lower Mainland, people are soaking up the sun by hitting the pavement, court, pool, and park. Unfortunately, our expert therapists have noticed that this surge in activity also […]

Crash Course on Shockwave Therapy

Despite its name, shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves no “shock” at all. Instead, it involves a pneumatic generator that delivers high-density, high-powered sound waves directly to an injury to treat a variety of issues, including tendinitis. What is shockwave therapy? The sound waves in shockwave therapy, (also referred to as extracorporeal shock wave therapy or […]

6 Steps You Should Take After You’ve Been in a Car Accident

If you’ve ever been in a car accident before, you know that it can be stressful, painful, and shocking. Fortunately, most automotive crashes do not result in serious or catastrophic injury. When patients walk into one of our Synergy Rehab clinics after a car accident, they have typically sustained soft tissue injuries. With early treatment […]

Knee Pain: When to see a Physio for your Hurt Knee 

Anyone can be a victim of a knee injury, whether you are a professional athlete, a long-distance runner, or someone just busy carrying out your day-to-day activities. If you’ve suffered from knee pain, you know that it can be quite debilitating and have a large impact on your daily life.  The knee joint is unique in […]